Hello! I’m QT Cat.
UPDATE: I recently returned from Greece! Click the link below.
I’m probably the luckiest cat around.

People ask me all the time, but it’s not polite for a good kitten to reveal her age 🙂
Katy received me as a gift years ago and she takes me everywhere she likes to travel. And not only that, she lets me go with some of her friends on adventures all over the world! Sometimes I can’t even keep track of where I might turn up next. I’ve been all over the United States and even to Europe. The real exciting part is that soon I’ll get to go to Italy, Australia and China. (Don’t tell Katy though, she’s not going with me and I don’t want her to get jealous 😉
Wherever I go, I love to learn fun facts about the places I visit. And if you’ll keep checking back every so often, I promise I’ll keep you updated on my travels. We’ll have a great time and maybe even learn something along the way.
Happy trails!